$25 tickets

Maintained by J Kenneth - Rubans Rouges Dance  ©2009 - 2016  All rights reserved. All of our images are copyrighted by the owner or photographer/creator of the artwork. Rubans Rouges Dance is a 501c3 non-profit organization.  CONTACT   |  BLOG  |  Privacy Policy  |  Terms & Conditions

Thank You for your interest in supporting our company by purchasing ad space in our program for September 10th. Please review and make your selections carefully. If you have any questions please call: 818-388-4256 for assistance. If you get our voice mail, please leave a message and we'll return your call asap.

Thank You for your interest in supporting our company by purchasing ad space in our program for September 10th. Please review and make your selections carefully. If you have any questions please call: 818-388-4256 for assistance. If you get our voice mail, please leave a message and we'll return your call asap.

$35 tickets

This PayPal button is for purchasing ad space in our program. Clicking: BUY NOW enters you into a contract between Rubans Rouges Dance to have your ad placed in our program for September 10th. We make no guarantees for ad responses, but we have had success in the past with delighted supporters. Please also know that you are supporting a 501 c 3 non-profit company and we are very delighted. Thank you truly! 

Ad specs: Full Color Glossy - Full Inside Back Cover - Approximately 8 in. height by 5 in. wide

PRICE: $140.00 USD